PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and stems from the language used in a 1997 amendment to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This portion of IDEA was very specific in its methods of identification and support of positive behaviors in the classroom.
Educators unfamiliar with PBIS are often reluctant to upend the traditional forms of punitive response to misbehavior. Shifting the focus of discipline toward recognizing positive behavior requires a shift in thinking, and gives rise to many educators’ concern that PBIS is the same as “no discipline.” And yet, years of extensive research into what has been termed the “school-to-prison pipeline” has given us solid evidence that escalated disciplinary measures do more harm than good. Students who do not know how to behave, and are not taught proper behavior, face a struggle both in school and in the community.
Students who do not have the social and emotional skills necessary to behave well in the school setting can potentially benefit the most from PBIS. Even students with developmental or learning challenges can rack up PBIS points based on identified positive behavior goals. This benefits not only individual students but also the class as a whole as well as the entire school.
PBIS has the potential to dramatically change the definition of student success, both in school and for years afterward. If you want more in-depth information about PBIS, check out our resource, “What is PBIS?”
If, however, you’re hearing “PBIS” more often because your school is developing a PBIS program, we can help. Our PBIS Rewards software will make implementation of a PBIS program much easier, allowing everyone in your school to get involved. An improved and positive school climate is only a download away!
*From: https://www.pbisrewards.com/blog/what-does-pbis-stand-for/

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